Compassionate Ally Offers Help during Stressful Times

Placing a loved one in a senior housing facility is among life’s most stressful transitions. Where do you start? How do you know what level of care your loved one needs? And perhaps most importantly, how can you ensure that your loved one is safe, comfortable and happy?

Compassionate Ally is here to help. Compassionate Ally is run by principals BethAnn Talbot and Indye Gersh, both of whom are committed to making your search for the perfect senior living environment as stress-free as possible.

“We hold your hand through the whole process,” says Talbot. “We set up the appointments and we take the tours with you. If you have questions, we email the facility. You will never get inundated with emails. Basically, we are the liaison between the facility and you.”

In addition to helping with placement, Compassionate Ally has partnered with local businesses that help clients handle other issues related to an impending move.

“We have people that help seniors sell and pack up their houses,” says Talbot. “If things need to be sold, we have someone who goes into the home, catalogs and sells items for them.”

Talbot urges caregivers not to wait too long before devising a plan for their loved one’s housing needs.

“Do it now. Take the tours. When people see that these places have all sorts of social and cultural events, fitness centers – even happy hours — they’ll realize that senior living can be fun.”

To learn more, visit

Originally published April 4, 2023

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