(Provided Photo)

The past few months have been difficult for Jewish students on college campuses. Since October 7, the Anti-Defamation League has reported a 337% increase in antisemitic incidents in the two months following the terrorist attacks in Israel.

To keep Jewish students on Maryland’s campuses safe, The Associated works with the five area Hillels that are part of our network — Goucher Hillel, Hopkins Hillel, Towson Hillel, UMBC Hillel and Maryland Hillel — to monitor what is going on and provide additional student support and safety measures.

In addition, we consult with other area universities, that do not have a Hillel presence, to make sure their Jewish students feel supported.

Here are several areas in which The Associated is addressing antisemitism on campus:

Security: Our agency, the Baltimore Jewish Council, working with campus security, provides security assessments. The Associated also provided funding for additional security guards at events. Partnerships with College

Leadership: Over the years, our local Hillels developed strong relationships with their administrations. That has made a difference these past few months as the Hillels collaborated with leadership to support the well-being of Jewish students. Through it all, The Associated strategized with directors on the best ways to navigate growing antisemitism and work with their administrations to create a positive and safe environment for students.

Legal Support: We have been able to help connect students to legal expertise to help in investigating, filing and evaluating campus bias reports and legal claims.

Safe Spaces and Resources: Through our Hillels, we offer safe spaces where Jewish students can find emotional support. The Hillels also provide opportunities for students to gather together safely from Shabbat dinners to educational programs.

Hillel UMD
(Provided Photo)

Advocacy: In collaboration with partners like Hillel International and the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), we are actively engaged with state and federal officials to advocate for the safety and security of Jewish students on campuses, both locally and nationally.

To learn how The Associated is addressing security and antisemitism throughout the community, and to report an antisemitic incident you experienced or observed, go to associated.org/shinealight.

Visiting colleges? Making your final decision?

Josh Snyder
(Provided Photo)

In light of what is happening at universities, Josh Snyder, executive director of Goucher Hillel, has put together a list of questions you may want to ask.

Hillels are a great source of campus information.

• What messages did your administration send out following the Oct. 7 attacks?

• Does your campus discrimination policy explicitly protect students from antisemitism?

• How have antisemitic incidents been handled when they have been reported by students?

• Is antisemitism addressed as part of a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion?

• What is being done to foster healthy dialogue on your campus regarding the current Israel-Hamas war?

• How does your university signal to Jewish students that they are valued as a part of the diverse makeup of the campus — is kosher food provided?

• Is there a way for Jewish students to be excused from class for holidays?

• Can students take Hebrew or Judaic studies courses?

• Is Jewish identity celebrated outside of Hillel?

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